The JareBear's Blog

I believe this is a bi-product of the internet-keyboard-warrior generation.
Back in the day you could talk to people about music you like, movies you like, etc. Now, nobody really talks like that because nobody really listens. Instead of listening, people just wait for you to finish saying what you have to say before completely and viciously assaulting you for daring to feel differently.
For example, if I say something like "Yo, just saw 42, wasn't that great. Tried too hard to win an Oscar instead of telling a story. Harrison Ford was aggravating," and someone responds, "NUH UH UR AN IDIOT THATZ HOW HE REELEE TALKED." Uhhhhh, ok. I don't care, the voice didn't appeal to me. That's my opinion. It's ok. It's not going to hurt your standard of living for me to disagree with you. See how that works? We are still people, our hearts still beat the same, no one needs to die over this.
It doesn't matter who you are, whether you are the King of England or a forum moderator, your opinion is not more important than mine. Mine is not more important than anybody elses. There's a big difference between disagreeing with someone, disagreeing with someone and explaining why, and disagreeing with someone and personally attacking them while attempting to impose your own personal view as binding law, as if not feeling the same way is heresy. Nothing is more off-putting than someone in a position of authority interjecting personal influence instead of sticking to a guideline and being professional. If a thread needs to be closed, close it, if someone needs to be banned, ban them, but I think we are better off as a community without the "Yo you are all a bunch of jerks and you are all wrong and I am always right and here is how I feel and how I feel is best and don't ever forget it. Closed." kinda stuff.
We need to cool it with the vitriol, from top to bottom.
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